Robert Cudmore, PhD. Assistant Professor, PI

I’ve been at UC Davis as an Assistant Professor since 2019. My initial training was in engineering and computer science. I was super happy to discover experimental biology research, in particular neuroscience and got a PhD with Gina Turrigiano at Brandeis University. After working with whole-cell electrophysiology through my graduate training and the initial phase of my post-doc, I discovered laser-scanning microscopy and got bitten by the imaging bug. I am particularly interested in developing new technologies including software and microscope hardware to address fundamental questions in biology. Currently, I am focused on building a lab.

Graduate Students.

We are recruiting two graduate students to join our growing team. We are looking for students who want to develop image analysis algorithms and visualization tools. Please see our jobs page for more information.

Junior Specialists.

We are actively recruiting a junior specialist. Please see our jobs page for more information.


We are actively recruiting undergraduate students. Please see our jobs page for more information.